Hello there Eternals, although I know youre currently not recruiting my specific spec, I thought I'd take a shot anyway
General information:
Characters name: Aeliandeii ("A-Lee")
Class: Druid, Balance spec
Race: Night Elf
Level: 70
Started playing WoW: Little bit after TBC dropped
Played Time on your char: Total: 78 days, Level 70: 52 days
Proffesions Primary and Secundary: 375 Herbalist/Alchemist (Flask Master), 375 Cooking/First Aid/Fishing
How stable is your internet connection: 8 mb broadband, nice n solid
Whats you regular FPS rate in a 25 man raid: 20-25 fps
Raid times and Experience:
We raid from Monday till Friday with different times. How many of these day can you attend. Please clarify them with the day and the time. Delete applicable.
Monday 19:30-23:30: Yes
Tuesday 19:30-23:30: Yes
Wednesday19:15-24:00: Yes
Thursday 19:30-23:30: Yes
Friday 19:30-xx:xx: Yes (till mid-Saturday if needed
Saturday is rest day xxxxx
Sunday 19:30-23:30: Yes
Whats your pre-TBC raiding experience?
The Burning Crusade experience:
Raid Experience within the following dungeons:
Serpent Shrine Caverns: 5/6 with Vashj regularly 2 cores down
Tempest Keep: 3/4
Mount Hyjal: 4/5 with progressive tries on Archimonde
Black Temple: 4/9 with progressive tries on Bloodboil
Sunwell Plateau: 0/6
Zul’Aman: 6/6
General questions
Previous guilds and reasons for leaving?
Remember this can checked
Been in Knights of Ni for ages, was GM there. Eventually simply disbanded because myself and others wanted progress, and decided a fresh start would be best for that. After that I was in two short-lived raiding guilds, EndGame and Conquerors. They fell apart very quickly due to poor management. You either was with the GM, or against him, that kinda stuff (name can be given on request, just dont think its very classy to badmouth ppl in an apply so I wont right now). After these two I was lucky enough to be accepted to Frequency, where I have thoroughly enjoyed myself the last few months. Sadly, as you probably know (looking at Eternals' recent flooding with ex-frequency members
), Frequency disbanded due to lack of active raiders.
Why did you choose too become the class you are currently playing with?
After long debate I was drawn to Druids because of their shape-shifting ability. However, soon I found out I'd rather stay at range and sling spells at my enemy then get up close and personal with them. Hence naturally my talentpoints started to get dropped into the Balance tree after lvl 10, and I've been Balance ever after. As Aeli is the first char I ever made in this game I stuck by her, although I found Balance is regularly treated as the retarded step-brother of the Druid talents, even by Blizzard themselves. Although every now and then I hate how little (leather) gear there is out there for Boomkins (next to nothing till lvl 60, mainly Tier-gear if youre lucky enough to get accepted to a raiding guild), I do appreciate the shear effort and persistance I had to stick into this spec to be the best I can be.
What are the biggest advantages you have within this class and what is your role in a raid? Specify this to your spec.
For myself personally the added armorvalue in Moonkin is great (if a mob ever gets to me), second there are some very hardhitting spells in the arsenal (hence "if a mob ever gets to me"
). Cyclone is a great "oh shit"-button in 5-man dungeons if the healer gets targeted (gives the tank the few seconds needed to grab the mob again).
In raids theres the obvious +5% spellcrit for my party (often found myself in the healers section in Frequency) and the imba -2% chance to hit for a raidboss with Insect Swarm. Innervate is always nice to either help out a (recently rezzed) fellow-caster or save myself popping a manapot.
Stats unbuffed:
Health: 8624 hp
Mana: 9455
Attack power (Melee/ranged): imba 138 AP
Spell damage/Healing power: 1236 spelldamage + healing
(Spell)Crit: 15,92% normal, 20,92% Moonkin
Any other stats which are needed in your class. This is also to test your knowledge about your class so make a good choice. (Posting all stats won’t do the trick or referring to armory).
Ye ol' MP5: 284 not casting, 132 casting. Completely unbuffed ofcourse (not even MotW on myself now). Sounds very low, even to me now that I read it, but I dont do the old OOMkin joke. I know when to pop my manapots (Sorcerer's Alchemist Stone effect included), and I can generally keep nuking a raidboss till the end, without the use of Mana oil on my weapon. In my opinion, as a Balance druid you should be aiming to never go OOM while sustaining full nuke, especially since the OOM joke about us is so widespread.
What do you think you can add to Eternals?
A serious raider, and a nice guy. I always come prepared. Flasked up, potted up, reagented up and oiled up (the latter in game as well). Im patient and willing to wipe for progress. I read up on new bosses, watch movies about em, and put in the (preparational) time to max the odds on beating em. I bring a full bag of herbs and load of vials to raids to be able to make various Elixirs if needed (not just Draenic Wisdom or Adepts, but also for other classes; stuff like Major Agility and Shadow Power)
What do you think Eternals can do for you?
Show me what I havent seen yet. Im not in it for the lootz atm. I thoroughly realise that by the time I have enough DKP to get a new piece of gear WotLK will be on my doormat. I just wanna see the end of Black Temple and some SWP. I always regretted never seeing Molten Core at the level it was intended for (only did some funruns with less then 20 lvl 70 players and cleared it eyes closed), and I dont want that to happen to Black Temple as well. I want Illidown while its still (supposed) to be a challenge.
Some Real life info. Country, RL age, Name, Work, Interest?
Im Luke from the Netherlands, 22 years old, Lawschool student (almost done now). Im an avid WoW player, really enjoy this game. Currently trying to get my thrid character to lvl 70, a little huntard. Furthermore Im a huge anime and movies in general fan, I try to watch about 3 movies a week, either at home or in the movietheatre. Got a gf that manages to cope with my WoW addiction (bless her) and bought myself a bunny yesterday. Hopefully he'll be fat enough to feed us around Xmas time.
Additional information which you would like too name?
Armory link:
Aeliandeii on ArmoryMight be in my showoff-gear (depends on where I log out), but I'll try to remember to keep logging off in my normal gear.
Dun think I have anything else for now, thank you for reading my application and hope to hear from you guys soon!
Greetz Luke