General information:Characters name: Welshdruid
Class: Druid
Race: Nightelf
Level at time of application: 70
Played Time on your character: 71days 16hours 44mins and 42 seconds
Profesions and level of professions: 375 Mining, 341JC
Do you have a stable internet connection (Yes/No and average MS in raids): Yes. Average MS in a raid 60fps
How soon after release are you aiming to be level 80 and how are you going to achieve this? (I.E. booked a week off work, cleared your evening commitments for 2 weeks, out of work)
As im still in school i cant really take time off, so im aiming for about 2-3weeks, Aiming for a lvl a day for the first 5 levels, and then half a level a day for the other 5.
What other characters will you level to 80?
After my druid il lever my lock, but im in no hurry.
Raid times and Experience:We currently raid 6 days a week, days and times could possibly change in WotLK, please delete yes or no below depending on whether you would be able to attend or not. (server times)
Monday 19:30-00:00 - Yes
Tuesday 19:30-00:00 - Yes
Wednesday 19:30-00:00 - Yes
Thursday 19:30-00:00 - Yes
Friday 19:30-xx:xx - Yes(All night)
Saturday is rest day xxxxx
Sunday 19:30-23:00 - Yes
Do you have pre-TBC raiding experience, if so what?
Kara full
Za full
Gruul Maggy full
TK 3/4
SSC 2/6
MtH 5/5
BT 5/9
What is the highest TBC raid boss you have killed and attempted to kill?
Archimonde Killed
Kalecgos Attempted
General questionsPrevious guilds and reasons for leaving?
Remember this can checked
You guys
No guilds after that
What role do you feel you provide in a raid and what areas of strengths do you feel your class and spec has over others?
I am currently deciding on my spec, and willing to go any spec you need, prefrebly balance or resto. But as balance i feel the aura's help the raid, and myself, with the new improved haste making moonkins a lot better. I am currently playing moonkin to get a feel for the spec ready for leveling and realised how insane my crits are. I crit for 5000-6000 a lot with starfire, which is pretty impresive, resto i feel like i have to test out in a raid, as i've not yet done, but it seems just as good with aoe healing added, i think both the spec's have been changed for the better.
I know the gear will change in wotlk but i do think resto and balance are valuable in a raid.
In WotLK; what changes will you make to your spec and how do you feel the talent changes in WotLK will affect you most?
Well the spellpower will affects my gear, as im now using some of my resto gear, in my balance spec as it has now become better, but apart from this, nothing much will affect me. The change to my balance spec will not be much diferent. Spend most in balance and and just up to improved damage in moonkin in resto.
As resto its the same, pure resto with the new change of adding a few points in balance to improve hots.
Name 1 thing you feel has been changed negatively regarding your class in the expansion? (if you can't then say why you can't)
What do you think you can add to Eternals?
A devoted member willing to put 110% into raiding.
What do you think Eternals can do for you?
Show me wotlk endgame content and some laughs along the way.
Personal infomation; Name, age, where you live, interests/hobbies, Job and family that will nag you to stop raiding?
My name is connor and im 14, i live in wales. I love music and wow, thats about it
I usualy play from 16:00Server time until 00:00 server time on weekdays, and until any time on weekends. i can stay on later if required in a raid. But no, apart from that my family wont be a problem nagging from raiding.
Additional information which you would like to name?