Application form for Eternals
General information:
Characters name: surya
Class:shaman elemental
Started playing WoW: one year ago
Played Time on your char: 18 days
Proffesions Primary and Secundary: 375 leatherworking and skinning
How stable is your internet connection: never had problems
Whats you regular FPS rate in a 25 man raid: i have no computer problems, since my computer is brand new
Raid times and Experience:
zul aman
We raid from Monday till Friday with different times. How many of these day can you attend. Please clarify them with the day and the time. Delete applicable.
Monday 19:30-23:30: yes
Tuesday 19:30-23:30: yes
Wednesday19:15-24:00: Yes
Thursday 19:30-23:30: Yes
Friday 19:30-xx:xx: Yes
Saturday is rest day xxxxx
Sunday 19:30-23:30: Yes
Whats your pre-TBC raiding experience?
The Burning Crusade experience:
Raid Experience within the following dungeons:
Serpent Shrine Caverns: tried once with old guild. utter failure tho
Tempest Keep:
Mount Hyjal:
Black Temple:
Sunwell Plateau:
Zul’Aman: 3/6
General questions
Previous guilds and reasons for leaving?
fusion and from the ashes. left for finding bigger guild, able to make 25 man teams without outside help.
Why did you choose too become the class you are currently playing with?
once met a player of the class i am now, and he really rocked, so i thought id try the class out and i was very happy with it.
What are the biggest advantages you have within this class and what is your role in a raid? Specify this to your spec.
i got ok dps, and i got skills like heroism
Stats unbuffed:
Health: 7899
Attack power (Melee/ranged)338
Spell damage/Healing power:776
Any other stats which are needed in your class. This is also to test your knowledge about your class so make a good choice. (Posting all stats won’t do the trick or referring to armory).
hit rating 127
What do you think you can add to Eternals?
a good learner and raid member!
What do you think Eternals can do for you?
help me progress in the new WOTLK to a stage of raiding in lvl 80
Some Real life info. Country, RL age, Name, Work, Interest?
Kasper vesterskov
age 23
interest: music and computers
and im currently waiting for a work application i made to a electronic store!
Greetings from Kasper