Name:Darren Kidd
Age: 34
Class: Shaman
Lvl: 70
Armoury link:
Spec: enhancement - offheal
Professions: LW (dragonscale) 375,m skinning 375
Why you chose these professions: To enhance my char with LW specific items
Raid experiance: Kara and minimal ZA
Why you want to join Eternals: I have been wasted in other guilds with lack of ambition and drive. Im ready to further myself to the benefot of the guild and drive forward. Id love to see some of the endgame areas and apply my skills while they are wanted before they become redundant.
A little about yourself: Im an englishman who lived in the usa for 18 years. I have a unique view on life and love the social aspect of raiding on wow. Im an artist and have loads of fun while i raid =). and most of all, enjoy and honor all around and have great times.