General information:
Characters name:Sandler
Class:Priest ( Shadow Priest )
Started playing WoW:From the biggining
Played Time on your char:52 d 5 h
Proffesions Primary and Secundary: Ench(375)Tail(375)
How stable is your internet connection:Never disconected while riding
Whats you regular FPS rate in a 25 man raid:30-33
Raid times and Experience:
We raid from Monday till Friday with different times. How many of these day can you attend. Please clarify them with the day and the time. Delete applicable.
Monday 19:30-23:30: Yes
Tuesday 19:30-23:30: Yes
Wednesday19:15-24:00: Yes
Thursday 19:30-23:30: Yes
Friday 19:30-xx:xx: Yes (Lastest raid time here)
Saturday is rest day xxxxx
Sunday 19:30-23:30: Yes
Whats your pre-TBC raiding experience? What I can say...I'm playing WoW from the bigging. This is my 4th 70 lvl character.
ZG: Cleared
AQ20: Cleared
MC: Cleared
BWL: Cleared
AQ40: AQ 20 cleared / AQ 40 up to Fankriss
Naxx: Not Attuned
Karazhan : Cleared
ZA: Cleared
Gruul: Cleared
Maggy: Cleared
SSC: Cleared
TK: Cleared
MH: Cleared
BT: 4/9
Sunwell: Never been there
General questions
Previous guilds and reasons for leaving? KEK. I stopped playing WoW when I found work. 1 week ago, when I came back, I noticed that the guild have disband.
Remember this can checked
Why did you choose too become the class you are currently playing with?
This is my first character with I get so many experience in end-game raids. I also choosed Priest because, you have a possibility to heal or make damage.
What are the biggest advantages you have within this class and what is your role in a raid? Specify this to your spec.
My role in raids is especialy make a lot of damage, and give a lot of mana for healers <-- Vampiric Touch
Stats unbuffed:
Health: 7281
Mana: 8700
Attack power (Melee/ranged)
Spell damage/Healing power: Shadow Bonus Damage 1308
(Spell)Crit: 14,19 %
Any other stats which are needed in your class. This is also to test your knowledge about your class so make a good choice. (Posting all stats won’t do the trick or referring to armory).
Hit Rating : 107
What do you think you can add to Eternals?
A well skilled player, who is available every night for new adventures.. I'm always prepare for raids ( flasks, elixirs, mana and healh potions )
What do you think Eternals can do for you?
I hope You can filled my missed end-game experience
Some Real life info. Country, RL age, Name, Work, Interest? Poland, 20 years old, Bartek, Study, Music ( Clubbing ), DJ
Additional information which you would like too name?