Armoury link:
Spec: atm im affliction , but i got gear for destruction build also
last time i check my destruction build stats ,they were like
hit 210
crit 22.00% +
dmg 1250-1300
those depends mostly on gear gemming
If you liked to see destruction build i can specc and wear other gear if needed.
Professions: Mining , tailoring
Why you chose these professions: tailoring is must for cloth user cos late game patterns. Mining is for money.
I have also on this server elixir mastery, enchanter, jewelcrafter and herbalist alts
Raid experiance:SSC clear, TK clear , Gruul Kara Maggy clear BT 4/9 MH 4/5 ( Archimonde 19%
Why you want to join Eternals:
A little about yourself:
Im 32 years old familyman from finland. Im very active player , if it says something i got 4 70 lvl alts and 3 60-69 lvl alts. I can raid in any day on week, but usually 3-4 raids / week is max for me. Reason is 1.2 years old son and wife ^^
Reason why i applied for you is simple. Id like to see much more end game bosses. And im looking for now new guild / raidgroup who can show em to me better that KEK can do.
-Cheers Azami
Please guys try to follow this or look at other applications. Please take 5 mins out of ur life. A good application might get you in the guild, it shows that you can actually be bothered to apply!