Class: Human Warrior
Armoury Link:
Spec: Prot (But while recp if needed)
Proffesions: Blacksmithing and mining i Chose them because i wanted Beter Dps gear and its easy to farm Ore
Raiding Experience : Maggy Gruul Kara 2/6 TK the eye 1/4 SSC 2/6
Alts: Afflcition Lock Demonraider level 70 Druid Killarz level 23
A little bit about Yourself: 20 year old student living in Holland Who plays WOW to much (so they Say
) like Playing WOW watching movies and doing outdoor sports and some more WOW
I am everyday online so you can ask me everything
I know my Raid exp is not so high But i wanna improve it