General information:Characters name:Poisonprince/Zehir
Class:70/56 (2 Levels a day
Level at time of application:70/56
Played Time on your character:61d/5d
Profesions and level of professions:375Ench375Tailor/281Herb143Inscription
Do you have a stable internet connection (Yes/No and average MS in raids):Yes
How soon after release are you aiming to be level 80 and how are you going to achieve this? (I.E. booked a week off work, cleared your evening commitments for 2 weeks, out of work) I have no life still :'(
What other characters will you level to 80?Both of Them
Raid times and Experience:We currently raid 6 days a week, days and times could possibly change in WotLK, please delete yes or no below depending on whether you would be able to attend or not. (server times)
Monday 19:30-00:00 - Yes
Tuesday 19:30-00:00 - Yes
Wednesday 19:30-00:00 - Yes
Thursday 19:30-00:00 - Yes
Friday 19:30-Any:Time - Yes (Please write lastest time you could raid till here)
Saturday is rest day xxxxx
Sunday 19:30-23:00 - No
Do you have pre-TBC raiding experience, if so what?
None xD
What is the highest TBC raid boss you have killed and attempted to kill?
General questions
Previous guilds and reasons for leaving?
Poseidon <GM Went Mad With Power LoL> BeerForm <DKP Confused Me (Isn't Hard) lol>
What role do you feel you provide in a raid and what areas of strengths do you feel your class and spec has over others?
Serious Raiding when not AFK
Don't go AFK alot but if I do feel free to MD me
I think I have a strong talent build on both chars that would be useful for the raid
In WotLK; what changes will you make to your spec and how do you feel the talent changes in WotLK will affect you most?
Different talents mean different hybrids, it'll depend on the raid and boss we are going for
Name 1 thing you feel has been changed negatively regarding your class in the expansion? (if you can't then say why you can't)
Fire + Shadow = 1 confused Warlock ^.^
Hasn't affected the mage yet as he hasn't got to 70 yet,
What do you think you can add to Eternals?
I good laugh, someone to slap in spare time
Hopefully good raid experience to come
What do you think Eternals can do for you?
MD me while AFK
Give me more of a life (risky)
Good raiding friends to go with and a good guild community
...oh and free pots ^.^
Personal infomation; Name, age, where you live, interests/hobbies, Job and family that will nag you to stop raiding?
Luke or That Noobish Warlock In The Corner ^.^, 16, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, UK
, Music, Singing (Off Vent lol), Family/ Gaming, Xbox ^.^, Applied for several jobs and hope to get some money to continue paying for this game lol, family won't nag me to stop... they'll watch me die and throw rocks at me ^.^
Additional information which you would like to name?
Ehh i'm just me, Hope I get in again ...Hi