Class: Rogue
Race: Human
Started playing WoW: Beta stage on mage
Played Time on your char: Meo has 90 played days
Proffesions Primary and Secundary: Engineering , Jewelcrafing
How stable is your internet connection: 100% XS4all 8mbit
Whats you regular FPS rate in a 25 man raid: 50 with fraps capturing (!)
Alts chars: 70 Human Mage, Horde: Druid 70 and an UD rogue
Pre tbc chars:60 priest called Mirozel
Raid times and Experience:We raid from Monday till Friday with different times. How many of these day can you attend. Please clarify them with the day and the time. Delete applicable.
Monday 19:30-23:30: Yes
Tuesday 19:30-23:30: No
Wednesday19:15-24:00: Yes
Thursday 19:30-23:30: Yes
Sunday 19:30-23:30: Yes
Whats your pre-TBC raiding experience?Applying
The Burning Crusade experience:
Raid Experience within the following dungeons:
Serpent Shrine Caverns: all but vashj
Tempest Keep: all but last boss
Mount Hyjal: boss 1-3
Black Temple: up to gore fiend
Sunwell Plateau: none
Zul’Aman: all
General questionsPrevious guilds and reasons for leaving?
Guild disbanded in september, i rly miss the people !
(but i know where most are now *grinch* )
was some weeks in eternals but needed a pause playing wow for work and study,
so quited wow for 5 months. I remember playing alongside Bat, and jokes about someone's pet
- Hide n Seek Nov 29, 07 - 13, 08
Officer in HnS, quited them cuz personal problems with the GM, but had a good time here.
- Vliegende Hollanders @ lvl 27 May 10, 07 - Jul 28, 07
joined my 1st guild and meeted Mscold in darkshire, who started playing wow for the 1st time and lvled with him to 70
Why did you choose too become the class you are currently playing with?
Female human rogues are sexy!
What are the biggest advantages you have within this class and what is your role in a raid? Specify this to your spec.
Mainly dps, then interrupts and poisons.
Stats unbuffed:Health: 9040
Attack power: 2023
Hit: 270
Crit: 32%
Expertise: 12
What do you think you can add to Eternals?
Being a friendly member that will do effort for the guild.
What do you think Eternals can do for you?
I know (miss) alot of people there, and i can't wait to team up, also looking forward to join the push into Lich King!
Some Real life info. Country, RL age, Name, Work, Interest?
Netherland, 28, Erik, System engineer @ hospital
interest: Music Melodic/Volk Metal concerts, diving, Movies, driving my car.