General information:
Characters name: Lóve
Class: Rogue
Race: NE
Level: 70
Started playing WoW: 3months after release
Played Time on your char: this character 37 days, this is my second account
Proffesions Primary and Secondary: Skinning and herbalism, picked so im always ready for raid with pots and able to farm for armor kits
How stable is your internet connection: Very
Whats you regular FPS rate in a 25 man raid: 40+
Raid times and Experience:
We raid from Monday till Friday with different times. How many of these day can you attend. Please clarify them with the day and the time. Delete applicable.
Monday 19:30-23:30: Yes/No I currently work at comet which is random shifts, i will know normally a couple of weeks before hand.
Tuesday 19:30-23:30: Yes/No
Wednesday19:15-24:00: Yes/No
Thursday 19:30-23:30: Yes/No
Friday 19:30-xx:xx: Yes/No (Lastest raid time here)
Saturday is rest day xxxxx
Sunday 19:30-23:30: Yes/No
Whats your pre-TBC raiding experience? ZG/MC/BWL/AQ20/AQ40 (first boss)
The Burning Crusade experience: Everything before Sunwell, downed Illidan about a month ago
Raid Experience within the following dungeons:
Serpent Shrine Caverns: all
Tempest Keep: all
Mount Hyjal: all
Black Temple: all
Sunwell Plateau: none
Zul’Aman: all
General questions
Previous guilds and reasons for leaving? SeVeN on Lightnings Blade EU, my class leader is a major arsehole (excuse my french) but he seroiusly needs to take a chill pill, and i come to the end of my teather with him, ive put up with him as much as i humanly can
Remember this can checked
Why did you choose too become the class you are currently playing with? Always loved rogues, since my first rogue pre TBC i just carnt imagine playing another class as good as Lóve
What are the biggest advantages you have within this class and what is your role in a raid? Specify this to your spec. We'll my main role is to adapt to certain fights, prime example RoS in Bt, comunication and making sure my performance doesnt have a negative effect on the raid.
Stats unbuffed:
Health: 9444
Mana: 0
Attack power (Melee/ranged) M : 1978 R : 1820
Spell damage/Healing power: Bandages roxXx
(Meleel)Crit: 27.12
Hit : 304
Expertise : 10/10
Any other stats which are needed in your class. This is also to test your knowledge about your class so make a good choice. (Posting all stats won’t do the trick or referring to armory).
What do you think you can add to Eternals? I'm fun and a bit freaky.... if thats a good thing, always up for a laugh but when concentration is needed im prepaired to keep things cool and perform to the highest quality. I have a big knowledge about wow and about TBC instance and pre TBC instances, i can bring new tactics and an understanding that your tactics may be different so i am ready to adapt
What do you think Eternals can do for you? Be a new home
Be friendly, fair and progress through TBC content
Some Real life info. Country, RL age, Name, Work, Interest? My names Dave, i live in Birmingham England so youve got a lovely chance to poke fun at my accent
. Im 18, 19 in september and currently work at comet (not for too much longer hopefully
). I enjoy golf and building PC's, im a music freak and love chatting on vent to friends and fellow guildmates
Additional information which you would like too name? Hope my wall of text application doesnt make your eyes bleed
if you have any questions i will be visting these forums on a daily basis to check for updates
p.s. heres my armory link for ease