General information:
Characters name: Thekingjc
Class: Hunter
Race: NE
Level: 70
Started playing WoW: Early 2007
Played Time on your char: 160 days
Proffesions Primary and Secondary: Leatherworking and Enchanting - both 375
How stable is your internet connection: Very Stable
Whats you regular FPS rate in a 25 man raid: I'm not sure exactly - but I've never had problems in raids before. I think it's around 20-30fps.
Raid times and Experience:
We raid from Monday till Friday with different times. How many of these day can you attend. Please clarify them with the day and the time.
Monday 19:30-23:30:
Tuesday 19:30-23:30:
Thursday 19:30-23:30:
Friday 19:30-xx:xx:
Occasionally we raid on Sunday from 19:30-23:30
I can make all raids except Wednesdays. Which I can make sometimes also, depending.
Whats your pre-TBC raiding experience?
The Burning Crusade experience:
Raid Experience within the following dungeons:
Serpent Shrine Caverns: 5/5
Tempest Keep: 4/4
Mount Hyjal: 4/5
Black Temple: 5/9
Sunwell Plateau: 0/6
Zul’Aman: 6/6
General questions
From which guilds have you been a member and whats the you are leaving them or left them?
KEK - Disbanded, near enough.
Why did you choose too become the class you are currently playing with?
I wanted to have a pet... i love animals
What are the biggest advantages you have within this class and what is your role in a raid? Specify this to your specc.
The biggest adavantage is definitely Feign Death... it saves me so much gold
Seriously... hmm. Well.. to provide a high level of damage (BM)
As survival, a slightly less effective damage output, and raid buff.
Both of which I have gear for, and can play well.
These are my current stats as Beast Mastery...
Stats unbuffed:
Health: 10185
Mana: 7498
Attack power (Melee/ranged) 2126 (AOTH)
Crit: 26.22%
DPS: 456
Any other stats which are needed in your class. This is also to test your knowledge about your class so make a good choice. (Posting all stats won’t do the thrick or referring too armory).
HitRating - Capped (when possible)
What do you think you can add to Eternals?
I can offer the guild a regular player, who likes to play this game, wiping or not. I'm committed, and loyal.
What do you think Eternals can do for you?
Offer me some raids. New content, and fun.
Some Real life info. Country, RL age, Name, Work, Interest?
Name is Jamie, I'm 27, and live in Newcastle England. I don't work atm.
My main interests are football (I like both playing and watching) - and WOW.
Additional information which you would like too name?
None that I can think of.