Name: Clansy, RL name: Andrei
Age: 30
Class: Rogue
Lvl: 70
Armoury link: (
sometimes in armory i'm appear in shadowstep build but it's for pvp in pve i use combat build and pve gear
Spec: Combat Swords 20/41/0
Professions: Engineering (375), Mining (375)
Why you chose these professions:
I've chosed this professions mainly as a profitable ones and ofc engineering has some nice craft stuff in it like goggles.
Raid experiance:
Not much i can say about it: Full Kara, ZA 4/6, Gruul, TK 2/4 (VR and Solarian), SSC only Lurker
Raid time:
Can raid from 18.00 to 24.00 (server time) and can stay much longer if needed and can raid mostly every day in a week.
Why you want to join Eternals:
I know you as a good raid guild with some major PvE progress and i always wanted to be a part of endgame raiding, also i know that you have nice friendly people in a guild.
A little about yourself:
I'm an salesman, live in Donetsk, Ukraine. I am cheerful, patient person, willing to read up on bosses before entering raids to save time and will also listen to any constructive criticism without taking it to heart.