Name: Eltax
Age: 18th year
Class: Human Rogue
Lvl: 70
Armoury link:
Spec: 20/0/41 (I'd be more than happy if you want me to change specs.. f.x.. combat)
Professions: Letherworking and Skinning.
Why you chose these professions: Mainly for the money income of skinning and the crafted primalstrike set for rogue.
Raid experiance*:
Karaza Cleared
*Due not having a raiding spot but only a casual player in Lost, i was not able to join up for SSC or TK.
Why you want to join Eternals:
I've looking for guild that is dedicated to get it's goals, and at the same time can be easygoing and have fun.
A little about yourself:
My name is Elvar and I'm 17yr old student from Iceland.
I love sports, mainly snowboarding, and who can't say he loves girls/movies and ocassionly partys now and then again.
I've been playing this game practicly when it started, but i was a horde warrior tank at 60. When Burning Crusade came out i decided to level up another character... something else than a tank, and out came the idea of trying out a rogue.
I've always been a teamplayer, that's actually what draws me to playing this game. The social aspect of them game makes it so much fun, cheering at a end of fight is always a win.
I'm a good listner. Usualy i read up on the boss couple of days before we actually do one.. unless it's unexpected, with very little timeframe.
If you have any questions you can always contact me in-game.
Icelandic Viking powah!